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Prošek Václav

moveable midfielder, experienced from youth national sides, whose qualities consist in playing by both legs, very fast while acting with a ball, strong through his acceleration and ability to get past opponents, he made his first appearance in Czech league shortly after coming of age to become quickly inspirational figure at the team, signing a long-term contract with the club, his development was delayed due to cardiac surgery, in summer 2015 he was loaned to Sokolov playing second Czech division, in winter 2016 he returned to Czech first division being loaned to Bohemians Praha 1905, next loan came in the beginning of 2016/17 season when he appeared in third league club Olympia Hradec Králové, his career was oxygenated with transfer to 2nd league club FC MAS Táborsko in summer 2017, since 2019 he is proceeding in another 2nd league club, FK Ústí nad Labem, when joining FK Teplice on loan he returned to Czech top level in January 2022

Personal details
Year of birth1993
Height175 cm
Weight68 kg
Photo: All Stars Team
Ball controlboth legs
ClubFK Viktoria Žižkov
Competition3rd league
Previous clubsSparta Lužná, SK Slavia Praha, FC MAS Táborsko, FK Ústí nad Labem, FK Teplice
1st league24/0
Czech national teams U16 - U2011/0

Václav Prošek: Nad nabídkou Táborska jsem dlouho nepřemýšlel (6/30/2017)

Prošek bude působit u klokanů (2/10/2016)

Hráč kola Václav Prošek: Na další šanci v áčku si musím počkat, konkurence je velká (5/14/2014)

Hráč kola Václav Prošek: Nepamatuji si, kdy jsem naposledy dával tolik gólů (9/11/2013)

Prošek se vrací po operaci srdce. Měl jsem štěstí v neštěstí, říká (1/21/2013)

Slávista Prošek hrál poprvé po operaci srdce fotbal, po sedmi měsících (11/14/2012)

Václav Prošek se po sedmi měsících vrátil na hřiště (11/13/2012)

Václav Prošek si od fotbalu na půl roku odpočine (5/22/2012)

Kvalifikace o ME U19: Češi prohráli a vyhráli (11/11/2011)

Václav Prošek podepsal nový dlouholetý kontrakt se Slavií (8/1/2011)

Václav Prošek si chce vybojovat místo v sestavě (6/30/2011)

Slávista Prošek se trefil za ČR U18 (4/13/2011)

Prošek má jasný cíl, chce hrát Gambrinus ligu (3/9/2011)

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